What is General Anaesthesia?

General anaesthesia
During General anaesthesia you are placed into a drug-induced state where you will not respond to any stimuli, including pain.

For further information, please refer to the following site: http://www.anzca.edu.au/patients/what-is-anaesthesia

Who Is Suitable For This Service?
General Anaesthesia is a preferred option for patients that experience any of the following issues:

  • Dental Fear or anxiety
  • Fear of needles or drills
  • Bad dental experiences in the past
  • Have a strong gag reflex
  • They need multiple and / or lengthy procedures

General Anaesthesia Fee Is Claimable From Medicare
As all General Anaesthesia procedures are carried out only by fully qualified consultant anaesthetists, a significant portion of the fee is claimable under Medicare!

Why under General Anaesthesia

We only administer General Anaesthesia, because at all times:

  • The patient’s airway is fully protected
  • Oxygen is continuously supplied to the patient’s lungs via a ventilator
  • The patient is hemodynamically monitored
  • It can be carried out safely for a long duration (allowing the dentist to perform multiple procedures in one session)
  • The patient is comfortable, pain free and unaware of the dental procedure